Search Results

There are 56 item(s) tagged with the keyword "international relations".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 56

11. Russian Fake Syrians

Five Russian athletes with altered identities have been announced as part of the Syrian team in the Arab Games.

Tags: women, russia file, international relations, sport
12. Russia is Officially "Ruscist"

The Ukrainian Parliament has adopted a resolution that describes Russia’s current regime as "ruscism."

Tags: government, law, russia file, international relations
13. Journalism Is No Crime

President Joe Biden met with the parent of a US reported detained in Russia.

Tags: navalny, biden, international relations, journalism
14. A Dead Man Is Sending Bones

The French embassy in Moscow received a package from Crimea with bones inside. The sender was a dead Italian producer.

Tags: Moscow, international relations, packages, france, Crimea
15. En Garde, Russia and Belarus

The International Fencing Federation greenlit the return of Russian and Belarussian fencers to tournaments — and the Olympics.

Tags: war in ukraine, international relations, sports, fencing, belarus, olympics
16. War, Made Nuclear

Russia is developing a new type of military strategy to account for the use of nuclear weapons.

Tags: russian military, war in ukraine, international relations, nuclear arms
17. Tourists from China Return To Russia

Russia reactivates tourism from China for strategic reasons: to buy weapons from Beijing for the war in Ukraine.

Tags: international relations, war in ukraine, tourism, china
18. Not That Way

Vladimir Putin revoked a 2012 decree aimed at economic integration with the EU and supporting Moldovan sovereignty.

Tags: war in ukraine, law, russia file, politics, international relations
19. Cry for Me, Argentina

Six pregnant Russians were detained while entering Argentina, prompting a criminal investigation into birth tourism agencies.

Tags: espionage, war, women, international relations, Argentina
20. What Is Fair in Love and War?

The International Olympic Committee is advocating for Russian and Belarusian involvement in the 2024 Olympic Games.

Tags: international relations, boycott, doping, war in ukraine, olympics

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 56

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